Green Day was a culmination of the efforts of Chess’ Green Team over the 10 months it has been in operation. Set up to focus the business on reducing the impact it has on the environment, Chess’ Green Team have been hard at work, researching, designing and introducing initiatives to raise awareness and encourage positive environmental behaviour.
One of the many green steps to be taken by Chess in 2007 was the universal switch of customers to web billing. This unique move not only reduced the amount of paper wasted by over three tonnes a year, but communicated Chess’ environmental standpoint that businesses need to look at using technological innovation in order to combat climate change, pre-empting Gordon Brown’s November 19th speech on the subject.
Chess’ Green Day also marked the launch of future green initiatives to staff including incentives to waste less, recycle more, shop local and find green energy suppliers and ways of travelling to work.
On the day, almost 70 percent of Chess people came to work using greener modes of transport such as trains, buses, car share, bike and even a pogo stick and were rewarded with a hearty cooked breakfast, which went down a storm with green travellers.
Regular environmental tips and facts were sent out via e mail throughout the day and Chess people were issued with ‘Hippy Shoppers’ containing a variety of samples and money off vouchers to encourage greener consumerism. These included promotional items from some big name brands backing Chess’ Green Day message such as Ecover and Innocent.
Following on from Green Day – Anne Binnie – Chess’ Director of HR and Quality addressed the business at the winter conference on the 14th December. Anne gave an in depth overview of the importance of Chess’ green strategy to the future success of Chess and talked about the Green Team’s plans for 2008, including the launch of a company carbon credit card, the opportunity to use loyalty points to purchase trees and continuing its work towards gaining ISO14001 accreditation.