Brendon Cross, STL’s managing director, commented, ”STL has a strong environmental ethos and we try to be environmentally friendly whenever possible. Planting trees instead of sending Christmas cards is a great way for us to help the environment.”
The trees, a selection of oak, poplar and hornbeam, were planted in association with The Breathing Planet Limited, an organisation that plants trees in newly established woodlands within the UK where they can fulfil their natural lifespan, nurtured and cared for by professionals. Each tree will offset approximately1 tonne of carbon in its lifetime, helping STL reduce its carbon footprint still further.
STL’s GreenMinutes initiative enables organisations to offset their carbon phoneprint and to use a range of free eco features to help them work greener. Says Brendon, “We can’t possibly offer a green telecommunications service without being genuinely green ourselves, so we are always thinking of ways to demonstrate our commitment to the environment and trees instead of cards made sense.”