The STL sales team got very wet and muddy taking part in the Monster Race in Cornbury Park on Saturday 18th April. The STL team was taking part to raise money for SpecialEffect, a charity that helps people with disabilities to play computer games.

Led by sales director Phil Donigan, the STL team encountered over 25 obstacles as they tackled the challenging 5K course, which they managed to complete twice. They waded through water, crawled though muddy bogs, clambered over high walls, climbed up tyre walls as well as diving down the water chute. Phil said, “It was a great example of team work as they guys helped each other over some of the more challenging obstacles and of endurance as they kept going to the very end.”
Even though it was a beautiful sunny day, the team ended up soaked to the skin and covered in mud but happy to have raised almost £400 for SpecialEffect.