Sceptics might think that the glass shards are somehow doctored to make them blunter or that the fire is dampened down to minimize the heat. But the glass from 2,000 wine bottles was viciously sharp and the flames of the fire had only just died down enough to stop the walkers’ clothes catching light.
Says Peter Allen, “It was quite an experience and not what I’d expected at all. Looking at the photos I’m not quite sure how I managed to do it!” Peppa adds, ”None of us suffered a single cut or burn, which was amazing given the sharpness of the glass and the heat of the fire. The STL team raised over £1,500 so it was all worth it.”
SpecialEffect is a charity dedicated to using technology to enhance the quality of life of people with disabilities by helping them to play and enjoy computer games. For many with disabilities, the majority of computer games are simply too quick or too difficult to play but by working alongside them and their parents or carers to find out which games they can play, or by adapting those games that they can’t, SpecialEffect can have a positive impact on their mental wellbeing and overall quality of life.