Unify senior engineer James Stones has just successfully completed a gruelling 3 week expedition to conquer the Aconcagua summit in Argentina. This self-funded event raised £1200 for Bluebell Wood – a local Hospice who do amazing work with children and young adults.

Following three long flights over the course of 24 hours, the next 10 days were occupied with hauling his gear and acclimatising as James toughed out the -30°C storms and ascended to the 5800m base camp Berlin to wait for a gap in the weather to race to the summit. Fortuitously, the wait was short, as on the 28th of December, James successfully summited the 6,962m peak of Aconcagua.
Not content with the accomplishment of besting Aconcagua, once at the summit, he proposed to his girlfriend via satellite phone, who happily accepted!