It was Adam’s second Ironman event. He competed in Austria last year and has already entered for the UK event this September and, for next May, the toughest one of all in Lanzarote, where they say that the wind is the real killer.
Adam's training regime involves running 40 miles a week, swimming in the lunch hour and a 100 mile bike ride most weekends
Asked why does he do it Adam commented "For me it's a personal challenge to see how far I can push myself physically and mentally. As a result of my madness there have been an increasing number of Oak staff competing in the London marathon and raising money for charity which has got to be good news."
Ironman goes back to 1978 when a group of US Navy Seals started an argument about who was the fittest athlete in 1978. Their Commander, John Collins, suggested that the best way to decide would be to combine the Waikiki Rough Water Swim, the Around Oahu Bike Race and the Honolulu Marathon ... whoever finished would be a real Ironman.
Fast-forward 30 years and you have the world's most prestigious one-day endurance event! The Ironman series now includes 29 events throughout the world that qualify athletes for the Ford Ironman World Championship held in Hawaii – and a place in that championship is Adam’s eventual goal.
Inspired to try this mad challenge for yourself? A few world championship slots are available on eBay and the Ironman Foundation has made over $2 million for charity from the auction site since 2003.