Until 30th April 2007, all UK users of Windows Vista, both new and upgrade customers, who register with The Cloud, will be given access to The Cloud’s network of 7,500 public WiFi hotspots at locations including coffee shops, hotels, train stations, pubs and airports as well as nine city centre hotzones across the UK.
“Increasingly, people expect to be able to access information while on the move – whether it is to keep in touch with friends, access their music and videos, or of course being able to work from different locations,” said Cynthia Crossley, Director, Microsoft Windows OS Group, UK. “Windows Vista includes enhanced mobility features which make it really easy for people to do this. Our partnership with The Cloud will enable customers to start experiencing these benefits immediately, ensuring they will never be far from high speed wireless access to access music and photos, share files or communicate with friends.”
To take advantage of the offer, Windows Vista users should go to the Cloud’s web site.