“With SwyxExpress we hope to support our channel partners so they can minimise the costs of procurement and installation, thereby maximising the the margin from the overall project.” Ralf Ebbinghaus, Swyx’s Executive VP Sales & Marketing explains. “In particular SwyxExpress could be very attractive to traditional PBX resellers that are looking to move into selling converged communications. The UC bundle eliminates the risk of selecting the wrong type of hardware and also decreases the capital outlay for SwyxWare installations.”
The pre-installed SwyxWare is delivered without licenses - this enables the reseller to order depending upon need. Due to the pre-installed licensed Microsoft Windows server 2003 no Client ACCESS Licenses (CALs) are needed for users or terminals. SwyxExpress is available in two different hardware and language variants (German and English). On request the Bundle can also be supplied with pre-configured ISDN boards.