Executive Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Service at Swyx, Ralf Ebbinghaus says, “We are delighted to sign an agreement with BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions as our preferred finance provider. This will be part of the reseller package that we offer to all partners. We will market the solution as ‘Swyx Financial Services’ and the whole ethos of the offering is to help our partners sell more product, more often with options such as 0% finance that are more competitive than those offered by mainstream banks. In many cases resellers will be able to get an instant decision online to help accelerate the sales cycle.”
Swyx together with BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions will meet with each reseller to set-up the facility and provide them with the training they require to lead with finance confidently with every sales proposal. Resellers will also have direct access to BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions’ extranet which provides instant credit decisions, application management and comprehensive reporting. BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions will also offer telephone support to resellers to help with bespoke requirements when required.
Telecoms Sales Director at BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions, Martin Ardern, commented on the partnership, “SwyxWare is a perfect match for our leasing products which have been developed to help business customers remain current with the latest technology within agreed budgets. Whereas many funders are happy to finance just hardware, they tend to be more wary of intangible assets such as software and applications. BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions is different in that we can fund the entire project, including hardware, software and also what we call soft costs which tend to be incurred during the implementation phase such as installation, training and data transfer.”
Swyx will be showcasing their convergence solutions at the Convergence Summit North in April at the Manchester Central Convention Centre. Finance specialists from BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions will also be in attendance to help Swyx partners become familiar with the Swyx Financial Services proposition.