
Swyx Share Microsoft Vision

Speaking to Comms Business Magazine, Andy Bills, Senior Vice President, Sales for Swyx sees the announcement by Microsoft in June this year on their unified communication vision confirming what many players and leading analysts in the market have been predicting for some time now, that the traditional model for hardware based telephony is coming to en end.

"The Microsoft philosophy is consistent with the approach that has been developed by the "pure" software based IP vendors such as Swyx, that all the communication requirements that an individual will need such as, email, instant messenger, voice communication, video and web based collaboration will be brought together, delivered and managed using a single portal on the desk-top. The interesting point about this announcement is that although this approach is not new, it is now being endorsed by Microsoft, a company that until now has not been a player in this space. Whether the industry likes it or not, Microsoft's dominance within the channel, business and consumer markets will ensure that this message is received beyond the borders of our industry and become the standard for the foreseeable future.”

Bills goes on to add that recent financial results and announcements from the larger telecommunications vendors confirm the sea change that is happening within the current PBX market and it is the traditional vendors that are feeling the pain.

“Sales maybe up in some cases, but margins in most cases are going down. Key indicators such as, Siemens laying off staff in many of their operating territories and Nortel announcing a new alliance with Microsoft confirm the big picture - that the traditional telephony market today, especially in the high volume 30-40 extensions SME market is now in decline.

"These systems are rapidly being replaced by IP systems and increasingly by software-based solutions. To support its new vision, Microsoft is creating an open environment programme that goes out beyond 2007 and invites peripheral vendors to participate in an integration programme so that they can be part of this new application based world. The good news for "pure" IP telephony vendors such as Swyx, is that we have the products available today."