The release of version 12 brings a new, fresh design to the Windows client. Users now have even more interfaces to choose from, so they can adapt them optimally to their specific needs. Swyx has also integrated a new redundancy concept for automatic failover and a monitoring service based on standardised virtualisation mechanisms ensures maximum availability.
In addition, the certified Yealink end devices, which have recently become part of the Swyx product portfolio, are optimally supported. For example, employees in the home office can be securely integrated into their company's communications environment without having to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Yealink telephones can also be integrated into the corporate network via port authentication according to IEEE 802.1x. Swyx thus offers an authentication method for the highest security requirements.
At the same time as the version 12 release there is an update of its VisualGroups queue management tool. With VisualGroups 1.4, each contact centre agent can individually adjust the after call work time. In addition to administrators and users there is now the new role of queue supervisor that gives the ability to add users to groups and edit queue settings. The new ‘last agent routing’ feature allows companies to further improve their customer service so that if customers call repeatedly, their call can be routed directly to the same agent they previously spoke to and do not need to describe their request again.
Enhanced statistical reporting capabilities in the queue management tool now make it even easier to monitor service quality. Swyx relies on the UC Analytics specialist aurenz for comprehensive reporting. Swyx Analytics 12 allows the call data generated with VisualGroups to be fully evaluated. The range of management information includes key figures on service quality, performance of groups and agents, average and maximum waiting times and measuring results and trends of specific periods. With Swyx Analytics' ready-made dashboards, managers can view all important data at any time and thus further increase their company's telephone availability.
Swyx partners can find further information about the product news in the Swyx Partner Net.