The global telecoms provider has announced the structured deployment of pioneering VoiceObjects technology across European markets as part of its ‘self-service in your pocket’ customer initiative. This multi-channel approach ensures that a useful mix of service channels is available to T-Mobile customers, on demand.
The VoiceObjects ‘design once, deploy anywhere’ technology approach is important to T-Mobile’s initiative because it enables the one-time development of an application which can run on every available phone channel: voice, video, text or mobile Web.
As a result, T-Mobile customers will experience a fast, personalised self service across mobile web, SMS and voice portals, driving the company’s long term strategy of developing a complete self service environment capitalising on the strengths of each individual channel.
Daniel Hendling, program manager at T-Mobile International, explained: “These days, customer self service must fulfil two needs. First, the service must be easy and attractive so that the customer wants to use it as a preferred channel. Secondly, we have to optimise efficiency for the company so that ultimately, we can offer affordable services through a range of channels. With VoiceObjects, we have found an ideal technology partner to provide us with a simple, yet cost effective self service architecture.”
Michael Codini, VoiceObjects CTO and managing director for EMEA, commented: “VoiceObjects is in a unique position of being able to deliver personalized phone self-service over popular phone channels, used by consumers every day. With VoiceObjects, T-Mobile can lower costs by having one development and deployment environment and by deploying applications built for one channel across multiple channels.”