With over 2,000 exchanges already providing coverage for 80 per cent of the population, the UK’s largest Next Generation Network (NGN) operator is aiming to roll out a further 700 exchanges across Britain over the next two years.
Paul Lawton, managing director of TalkTalk Business, said: “The rapid increase in our number of super-fast exchanges across the UK is a major shot in the arm for thousands of companies which regard ‘business grade’ broadband connectivity as the lifeblood of their business.”
A greater number of Ethernet and Ethernet in the First Mile (EFM) enabled exchanges in the UK is vital to improving levels of broadband connectivity, resilience and reliability available to businesses.
The exchange roll-out is also paramount as recent research TalkTalk Business conducted revealed that 70 per cent of SMEs across the UK are still relying on domestic rather than business grade broadband connections and are counting the financial costs as a result.
Paul Lawton, added: “The government may have committed £830 million to give every community access to super-fast broadband speeds by 2015, however time is of the essence for companies which rely on business grade broadband connectivity for performance, productivity and growth. A fast and efficient broadband service remains pivotal to helping companies stay competitive, expand and ensure the UK remains a key player in the global economy.
“We’re committed to accelerating our exchange roll-out across the UK in a bid to spearhead ‘Broadband Britain’ for businesses of any size across any sector.”