Consenna Carbon aims to enable IT resellers to ‘drive real change’ in sustainability. Resellers who have signed up as signatories to Techies Go Green can now register on the Carbon platform and will receive 500 free sustainability focused contacts (end-users) each.
The fully GDPR compliant contacts cover businesses in the SMB space that have a demonstrable interest in issues aligned with sustainability and will allow resellers accessing them to deliver targeted marketing campaigns from vendors including Fairfone, Circular Computing and Microsoft Surface.
Launched in July 2021, Consenna Carbon is a free platform where channel resellers can browse a library of sustainability focused campaigns and send them directly to their prospects with the aim of securing a sale. Consenna Carbon supports resellers to train up staff so that they’re on board with the rationale for making a sustainable purchase.
Michael O’Hara, founder of Techies Go Green said: “This is a fantastic initiative from Consenna, and one I was hugely excited about when I heard about it last year.
“So often we hear from businesses that they are unsure about where to begin when it comes to their sustainability drive. With Consenna offering access to a wealth of knowledge and use cases, this is a huge plus for our signatories.”
Techies Go Green was launched in March 2021 and has over 180 signatories so far, including Softcat, Version 1, Sapphire and ColorTokens. Their ambition is to double this by the end of 2022.