The product has been primarily defined to consume online and home audio and video, access the web and its unlimited set of applications, as well as interact with other equipment thanks to its set of open interfaces.
Thanks to the tablet’s Android operating system, services providers can also use a fast growing community of applications developers to enrich their applications set.
“The Award that we received at Broadband InfoVision Awards illustrates our capacity to innovate in digital home devices. User friendly, intuitive with customisable interface, its integration within the operators’ network makes it a setup-free device for end users. With Media Touch, Technicolor has defined a new category of portable device in the home that helps network services providers monetise the promises of the Digital Home,” said Georges Laplanche, senior vice president, Connect Division at Technicolor.
This tablet is an ideal way to: Connect people and communities thanks to a full package of communications features: its microphone and camera offer native online chat possibilities, voice over IP telephony and high end video communications, all integrated with users’ favourite social networks; Entertain consumers thanks to his strong media assets, as users can easily consume online and personal audio/video content. Its high quality sound and video capabilities positions it ideally to enjoy with multi-screen synced media.
Also: Control the home and interact very easily with other equipment of the networked home through its set of open interfaces. This new generation of media tablet is a truly advanced remote control for digital home services and devices, such as set top boxes. Its hardware platform offers the flexibility to bring additional modules such as Home Automation.