
Telcordia highlights importance of mobile identity for service delivery

Networks & Network Services
Spotting a growing trend for mobile operators and content providers, Telcordia, a global business involved in the development of IP, wireline, and mobile telecommunications software and services, has articulated the benefits of using the mobile phone number as the first building block in creating a complete subscriber profile, or mobile identity.

Through the exchange of comprehensive subscriber information in this mobile identity, operators and content providers can intelligently deliver more personalised, optimised content and services, such as location based services (LBS), social media, advertising and couponing, mobile banking and much more.

With billions of dollars lost or gained on the proper delivery of services, industry awareness of the need for accurate data such as number portability corrected routing data and subscriber intelligence information has grown significantly in the last 12 to18 months.

“In the next five years, mobile identity will be borne as a result of plentiful bandwidth, increased processing power, developer energy and maturing identity standards,” said Josh Holbrook, director, Yankee Group. “The opportunity exists for a vibrant third party developer ecosystem to be developed that will capitalise on the coming mobile internet wave and the 360 billion events that will be initiated annually.”