These findings also reveal the top five ‘loyalty inspiration’ factors, the aspects of a brand that consumers consider the most important it inspiring and securing their loyalty. These included, quality products, helpful, knowledgeable staff, ease of contact, being able to recognise customers and their value, and a brand experience that is enjoyable at every single touchpoint. These results were consistent across both genders and across all age groups, with the exception of 18-24 and thirty-somethings, who consider their fifth most important factor to be how well ‘the brand’s image fits my personality’. However, fewer than 10% of respondents considered brand ‘cool’ or peer pressure to have a substantial affect on their brand loyalty.
Graham Ede, Managing Director, arvato loyalty services, comments, “Whilst the basic concept of loyalty and relationship management should evidently not be challenged, best practice to translate loyalty initiatives into commercial success still seem to remain – in the minds of consumers – the province of a handful of leading brands. Companies with loyalty schemes, or contemplating loyalty initiatives, would be well advised to investigate what their customer feel would inspire their loyalty, as the fundamental building block of any such initiative’s commercial success”.