This latest addition to the TeleWare Hosted Services offering delivers a service-based hosted contact centre able to operate over the wide area and provide call statistics and intelligent call routing to the appropriate member of the team. The Service will integrate seamlessly into and across PBX, IP Telephony systems, VPNs, PSTN (for home workers and small office locations) and mobile telephones on any mobile network.
“The view of a contact centre as a large group of people at a single location sitting at desks answering the phone is outdated,” said Laurie Hopkins, Operations Director of TeleWare Hosted Services. “The contact centre market today also includes professional workers and experts functioning as virtual teams and needs to accommodate home workers and flexible workstyles while maintaining the high level of monitoring and reporting typically provided within a contact centre environment.” The TeleWare contact centre solution comes into its own when the contact centre is not a standard call centre but a group of professionals serving a customer base on a flexible time and location basis. To better service this market, TeleWare is launching these applications as a hosted service.
TeleWare’s intelligent Contact Centre service can be further enhanced to deliver fully functional, hosted Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and auto attendant routines, for the development of CTI applications linking to company databases and for the recording of calls. IVR service options include Voice Activated Directory and Text to Speech capabilities. A comprehensive library of call flow/call plan options is used to tailor the IVR application to meet the varying customer needs. The TeleWare application flexibility enables rapid application changes, capacity uplift and emergency deployment.
The intelligent Contact Centre service is part of TeleWare’s International Award winning business applications service suite which also includes intelligent Number and intelligent Assistant services. The entire suite of services can be extended to meet changing business needs by the addition of:
- IP intelligent Extension service to replace the need for a PBX within the business premises
- Personal Numbering (intelligent Number) to increase individual contactability and enable flexible workstyles
- Manager / Secretary Working (intelligent Assistant), to create a professional business image without requiring a static secretarial post.
- Team working (intelligent Assistant) to improve team working and ensure calls get through to someone that can help the caller through the creation of virtual teams for call handling.
- Business Messaging mailbox size extension for businesses with larger numbers of messages.