Business Call Recording provides the flexibility to record calls wherever and on whatever device you are working from. This solution provides an ideal low cost of deployment solution for Home Workers who do not have to have access to recording equipment. It is also of value to companies working with teams built from a selection of mobile and distributed workers where call recording requirements are irrespective of location. The solution eliminates the need for expensive on-site call recording equipment and the maintenance charges related to it.
Secure Call Recording meets FSA Regulations for tamper evident call recording, and includes the facility for secure recording storage. This product was designed specifically to meet the requirements of the financial and legal sectors in the UK who need to meet the latest FSA legislation. It is available on a per user basis and includes a secure and resilient storage system.
Encrypted Call Recording meets and exceeds FSA Regulations using Two Factor Authentication and Unique Encryption Keys with the option to use the call recording software with a Cryptocard. This product offers a secure and resilient authenticated system. Encryption meets and exceeds the FSA requirements, both on the platform and while transmitted, and the archiving system is secure and easy to use.
“Call recording for mobile or distributed workers has, until now, had a high cost per user for small or single user systems,” explain Steve Haworth, CEO for TeleWare Plc, “these solutions offer a high level of security and authentication on a cost per use basis with no overheads for server hardware, maintenance and support.”