TeleWare’s SIP trunking solution reduces the need for gateways by using our IP Centrex hosted platform software to manage the VoIP service. Using a TeleWare SIP Trunk enables delivery of IP phone calls with our guaranteed QoS networks which avoids the multiple hops associated with internet based IP network connections and so preserves the voice quality. With the TeleWare SIP Trunking solutions, gateways are only needed when running hosted IP applications or PSTN services over existing non-IP enabled PBXs on the customer’s site. This solution reduces the costs of using an IP Centrex hosted service for business telephony and with the TeleWare solution we further enhance the solution by delivering applications and PSTN services over the SIP Trunk.
Use of SIP Trunking with the TeleWare IP Centrex hosted services provides an efficient and comprehensive solution for when both SIP Trunking and IP Centrex services are required, for instance, seamlessly integrating a head office based legacy PBX and a branch office or home workers using TeleWare IP Centrex services and IP Phones. Since both the call and related telephony applications are delivered end-to-end over an IP interconnect, this negates the need for traditional costly ISDN connections. Additionally, the voice network becomes unified, leveraging ‘on net’ calls between sites at zero cost and unifying applications such as voicemail and personal numbering over the whole estate. This latest release provides the ability to connect into any existing approved wide area SIP network with a SIP trunk providing the application functionality to all the sites on the network.
“This is all about giving our customers and partners the flexibility to be able to take advantage of SIP Trunking for cost saving today and using the trunks for distribution of business enhancing telephone applications when needed,” explained Steve Haworth, CEO for TeleWare plc. “It gives our customers and partners the options to install a simple SIP Trunk or to add value by introducing applications,” added Haworth.
TeleWare SIP Trunking has been installed with the following Gateways and a number of PBXs; Vegastream Gateway, Cisco Gateway, Samsung Ubigate Gateway. The services can run multiple trunks over one physical network, or an existing wide area network could be connected to the TeleWare Hosted platform and run multiple virtual trunks, or our channel could provide the IP connection per PBX per site and provision as a circuit for their existing supplier plus a TeleWare SIP trunk. The TeleWare Hosted Service SIP Trunking product is priced on a per channel per month basis.