
TeleWare Free Auto Attendant to VoiceMail Customers

TeleWare, the provider of both hosted and on-premise intelligent communication solutions has announced that a subset of their recently announced IVR product is to be provided free of charge to all TeleWare VoiceMail customers.

The intelligent Auto Attendant (iAA) product will enable intelligent call routing and allow the creation and modification of simple voice response menus, including: spoken phrases, dialling of alternative numbers, transferring of callers to an attendant or to a TeleWare intelligent Number, leaving messages on the voice mail system and creating simple voice forms for collection of customer details.

“The free of charge solution provides the same intuitive graphical user interface as the more complex IVR product where applications are drawn by ‘click and select,” explained Lesley Hansen, Group Marketing Director for TeleWare. It uses the same set of building blocks, but only a limited number of blocks are included. These are selected to ensure TeleWare VoiceMail customers are automatically provided with the standard capabilities they need.

“intelligent Auto Attendant provides a graphical interface to enable the system administrator to set up call flows for individual profiles. For instance, to modify and control the individual’s telephony extension interface to internal and external callers and to route calls appropriately to ensure the minimum number of callers are passed to voice mail and the maximum number of calls are answered by someone who can help the caller,” explains Hansen. “Setting up call flow profiles is a service TeleWare provides to our customers, but based on listening to both our existing and prospective clients, for many the primary goal is to create in house a relatively simple voice response system which can be controlled by the business, and this free of charge product gives the control to these customers.”

intelligent Auto Attendant upgrades will be made available at no extra charge to all TeleWare Voicemail and Faxmail customers and will be supported in future as part of an Annual User Licence and Maintenance agreement, with future upgrades provided as incremental software updates.

“The new iAA product is part of the intelligent Application Builder product family and uses the core TeleWare runtime libraries to ensures the same high level of compatibility with industry standard PBX’s and third party applications,” Hansen adds.