Today, Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social networks with more than 500 million active users. Where implemented, Telmap Mobile Location Companion users can share their location, and what’s on their mind through updating their Facebook status, attaching a location to their thoughts and activities. The updated status, with the location graphically depicted by a map, will be available on the user’s Facebook wall. Users can access their Facebook account to update their status and share their location directly from the location companion either through the widgets carousel or through any location details screen in the application.
Telmap provides white label, hosted and managed location-based services to mobile operators, and its vision is about serving all users’ on-the-go needs, while optimizing their user experience. As mobile social networking activity is on the rise, with hundreds of millions of people accessing Facebook on their mobile, it’s only natural that people would look to integrate their social networking presence and activity with their real-time location. Seeing what your friends think of a certain location through their check-ins and status updates can definitely increase users’ trust and level of familiarity with certain locations. Facebook has already acknowledged that need and opened Facebook Places together with the release of their location API.
“Telmap is a location-based services innovator. We are proud of our efforts to enrich one’s physical, actual location at a specific moment in time with information about what their online, social networking activity. The accumulated information about locations, recommended or commented on by one’s friends will result in better content exploration as well as higher level of trust and comfort in the service. Our goal at Telmap is to continue creating features within the application that will turn it into the center of all activity while on-the-go”, said Motti Kushnir, Telmap CMO.
The location-aware Facebook Widget will be available in a variety of markets worldwide, in the near future.