“As a team we raised nearly £6K which was a remarkable achievement and made possible by those of you that gave so generously to our cause.
Every member of the team, Colin, Kyla, Peter S, Ian, Peter J, Sean, Marissa, Hannah and I completed the gruelling 60+ mile ride to Brighton from Esher College. Uphill and down dale (more hills I can tell you!!) really put some of us to the test. Who the hell decided that we had to ride over Devils Dyke?? (Google it, it’s near Brighton and it’s horrendous!!)
The seasoned cyclists, Ian and Sean, were waiting at Hove Park with Pimms and Lemonade for those that found it somewhat more of a struggle.
Personally, I could not walk very well on Monday however Tuesday I felt rather more able to get back on my horse!! I have donated my bike to a young lad in my road as I never want to see it again. In fact his mother came round last night and said she thought her son had taken my bike without my consent. I soon put her straight and told her to take it away!!
Once again, thank you so much. I know that Kyla who lost a member of her family to this terrible disease is very grateful for all of your support, as are we all.”