Miles Bossom, Managing Director comments "Once again pretty much all of the major Channel suppliers are exhibiting which demonstrates the commitment they have to the reseller community as well as to their own businesses. We have registered more visitors than ever before which reconfirms our belief that networking is key especially whilst business is harder to come by".
This year also sees some exciting changes to the educational seminar programme. You can attend the first ever live Hosted Shootout in the UK where vendors will be demonstrating just how easy it is to set up and deply their solutions! Plus, find out all about Next Generation Networks from the largest suppliers in the industry including Opal, BT Wholesale and Cable & Wireless. Plus there are many more lively panel debates and technology track seminars to attend for free.
In addition, a new Business Track Seminar Programme has been launched designed to help the reseller market thrive in these tough economic conditions and covers an array of useful business topics such as marketing in a recession, how to maximise your customer database and tax tips.
Finally, don't miss the new Mobile Applications Zone where you can see first-hand demonstrations of a number of innovative mobile applications which can all add value to your business.
For more details on the event, click on www.convergencesummit.co.uk.
Miles concludes "As the ONLY Convergence Channel Exhibition in the UK we welcome you with open arms - have a great time at the show!".