For over a century The Ritz has been the benchmark by which other hotels are measured. A London landmark at 150 Piccadilly, The Ritz has been home to the great and the good, the intelligentsia, the glitterati and thousands of discerning guests since 1906. The mantra of continuous excellence pervades all of the hotel’s operations and a full range of services is available, including health and beauty; business and technology; and fitness, all in the signature Ritz style.
“Providing first-rate guest services is imperative to the success of The Ritz, and we rely on SBL to ensure that staff can respond to incoming requests in real-time and complete tasks as efficiently as possible,” said Chris Barrass, Rooms Division Manager at the Ritz. “SBL has demonstrated over the past two years that they have all of the necessary expertise in integrating communications solutions in the hospitality sector, making them a perfect fit for our requirements.”
“In order to quickly provide quality services to guests hotel staff must always be available, and always able to access the information they require,” said Derek Smith, Sales Manager at SBL. “This agreement will enable The Ritz to retain access to SBL consultants who have the foremost experience and expertise in delivering communication solutions to the hospitality industry in the UK and abroad”.