“2009 is going to be a great opportunity for growth,” he said. “We’ve just had Chess Telecom’s best ever December for sales and the momentum has continued to gather in January. After yet another BT price hike in November on line rental, every business owner is looking for ways to reduce costs and we are perfectly positioned to help them do this. In the current economic climate, they’d be crazy not to switch to Chess Telecom.”
“Two to three years ago, a few percent either way didn’t make any tangible difference, but now it means the difference between sinking, staying afloat and riding out the tidal wave of recession that is sweeping the globe.
The trend for tighter belts is being felt right across the UK high street with shoppers swapping high end retailers for cheaper brands that offer the same quality and service, at better value prices. Everybody at this time is conscious of cost.”
Chess recently launched a new high speed LLU V@lue business broadband product. With the V@lue range, Chess’s cheapest broadband has come down from £17.99 to £6.99 – a huge saving. This is a great example of how it can dramatically reduce the cost of customers’ business telecoms costs without compromising on quality of service.
Since the launch of the V@lue range, broadband sales have more than doubled and Chess has recently had to install 10 more phones into the business in order to meet demand. It is also set to launch SMARTER Voice, a new hosted voice product, in the coming weeks. SMARTER Voice is perfect for businesses that are unsure of what the future holds for them as its flexibility means they can move, grow, shrink and only ever pay for what they use.
Chess has also introduced a range of credit crunch busting incentives for SMARTER partners, such as its Contract Killers scheme that pays up to 500 per cent commission for fixed line and broadband products.
“We recognised the fact that a lot of partners are focused on hardware, but the market is veering away from capital expenditure and looking at reducing outgoings,” explained David. “We can help these partners cut their customers’ business line rental costs, and reward them with the big, upfront cash commissions they are used to getting in the hardware arena.”
“2009 will be a great year for Chess. We were born in the 90s recession and will capitalise on the 09 slump. With new products and services that cut business telecoms costs, there is plenty of opportunity for growth. Every single business is looking to save money at the moment. It’s no wonder our phones have been ringing off the hook.”