ISO/IEC 27001:2005 is internationally recognised as the leading benchmark for information security management systems and aims to ensure that adequate controls addressing confidentiality, integrity and availability of information are in place. These controls safeguard the information of customers, stakeholders and trading partners. Thus has been certified by leading business assurance provider, Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance (LRQA).
Thus, who claim to be the UK’s first NGN operator, prides itself on a professional and responsible approach to managing information security. As such it is best placed to offer customers assurances in relation to quality and security of service when sourcing next-generation communication solutions; all independently assessed and verified by the world’s leading business assurance company.
Don Stanley, Head of Assessment at LRQA said: “Achieving certification to ISO/IEC 27001 is a powerful demonstration of an organisation's commitment in managing information security. It clearly shows to all stakeholders – customers, employees, regulators and trading partners - that Thus has robust procedures and processes in place to manage all aspects of its information security. Having also achieved certification to the quality management system standard, ISO 9001 with us, shows that Thus has recognised the importance that certified management systems can play in its ability to provide network services to its customers in a manner that is reliable and secure.”
Jim Credland, Head of Product Security, Thus plc said: “We know that our customers need to have confidence in the security of their business critical communications. An ISO/IEC 27001:2005 certified information security management system demonstrates, to customers and the wider industry alike, that we take our responsibilities in this area very seriously. By ensuring controls are in place internally to mitigate security risks, we are protecting both our customers' data and our customers’ businesses.”