“When THUS was first formed we had a ten year plan. Our strategy has always been to look at opportunities to grow the business whether they be organic or inorganic. That plan is as much alive today as it was then albeit we take into account technological changes and shifts within the industry. We believe we have grown organically better than any other organisation in our sector but recognised with YC and Legend, another company purchased at around the same time, an opportunity to accelerate that growth.
The acquisition of these two companies provides an ability for THUS to increase its scale in the market, both in terms of geographical coverage and in terms of technological presence. Already we have demonstrated the benefits as we have been able to launch and take to market under the THUS banner the Voice Over Broadband product just two and a half months following the Legend acquisition.
Integrating these two companies into THUS requires that we build in the values, the processes and the capabilities of THUS within the companies. The plan at the moment is very simple; we are actively integrating the YC organisation but Legend will continue to run as a stand alone company for a period of time.
Today we and our Channel Partners are reaping the benefits of good decisions made several years ago when we recognised the importance of voice and data integration. At the core of our 10 year plan was a vision that said converged services across the industry would become the norm with voice becoming an application on a Quality of Service enabled network. Right now THUS can deliver MPLS networks that provide users with many applications.
It is important to note that whilst our competitors are spending huge sums upgrading their networks THUS has had in place from the start, an advanced next-generation network.”