This capability now enables customers to roll out a PSTN grade VoIP solution without changing their telephone numbers. Also, contrary to popular belief, this Next Generation solution is more resilient than a traditional ISDN30 as customers are able to configure back-up routes for inbound calls across an organisation.
Justin Hamilton-Martin, Managing Director at 8el said, “By implementing Geographical Number Portability, we are not only able to pass significant cost savings back to the customer but we also deliver a more efficient, resilient network infrastructure. 8el’s NGN solution offers customers a single point of ownership for all network services, so they no longer have to spend time escalating ISDN failures and requests to alternative suppliers.”
8el say there are three key benefits available from this porting agreement;
Resilient networking
Business continuity is assured due to local site disaster recovery as standard. If for example, there is a power failure into a building, inbound calls will automatically be streamed to a pre defined backup destination to ensure no loss in productivity. 8el proactively manage data links for customers and the support team will automatically alert customers to enable a more efficient resolution of any site specific or local BT exchange issues. This is just one of the benefits and a simple demonstration of how NGN services will enable customers to turn the technology advances into real business benefits.
ISDN line savings
8el is literally able to port inbound PSTN numbers from any BT local area code onto its carrier grade NGN gateways. This allows customers to reduce their ISDN line bill, and implement a lower cost ISDN replacement services via either SIP trunks or the 8el Managed Profile service. By eliminating line rental charges and utilising lower cost data links, savings have been highlighted of between 50% – 80% compared to the incumbent ISDN service. NGN services also offer more dynamic and efficient call distribution.
Better reporting
By porting their numbers onto the 8el network customers will benefit from superior management and information statistics as 8el’s advanced billing analysis and monitoring tool, CallWatch Interactive, gains access to key inbound as well as the traditional outbound data.