A five-month programme running throughout the spring and early summer of 2008, ‘Project Pathway’ is specifically aimed at helping Timico’s mobile Business Partners sell non-mobile services to their mobile customer-base. Through the application of Timico man-power and expertise, the programme aims to make the sale of Timico converged services ‘business as usual’, rather than a one-off, and enable its mobile Business Partners to benefit as sales of converged services turn into a significant and ongoing income stream.
“A mobile customer-base will yield higher profits if they buy non-mobile services. However, we understand that for our Business Partners who specialise in mobile and have only, or a majority of, mobile customers, going out of their comfort zone takes a lot of effort. Project Pathway is designed to provide focused support to help jump-start Business Partners beyond mobile and into the rapidly expanding convergence marketplace,” says Iain Sinnott, Head of Timico’s indirect Channel.