“We are proud and excited to be the first to offer UK SMEs all the benefits of internet communications at business-strength service levels. Other VoIP services are purely voice play without the ability to deliver QoS, so downloading a large file or sending an email kills the VoIP quality. SMEs are leaving themselves open to dropped VoIP calls and interrupted communications services unless they sign up with a VoIP service provider that can guarantee QoS – and today that means Timico,” says Mike Webb, managing director, Timico.
The service provider says that following its purchase and investment in Atlas Internet, Timico boasts one of the most advanced core networks of any ISP in the UK. Because it has control over the underlying infrastructure, Timico is able to offer reliable throughput for low bandwidth applications, giving services such as voice, video and collaboration sessions priority over its network. This level of quality is critical in collaborative business environments where a consistently high quality end user experience must be guaranteed.
“There is a high level of interest amongst SMEs for VoIP. These businesses know VoIP’s not just about low cost calls. They know it can provide their organisation with the type of communications functionality that up until now used to be the preserve of big business. However, they also know that without QoS VoIP is simply just not ready for them to deploy – one missed sales call can be a disaster for a small company. By taking away this concern, Timico is removing most SMEs’ only sticking point over VoIP, and I expect that the combination of QoS with our integrated communications and VoIP service is going to be highly attractive to UK SMEs, who increasingly see advanced communications as a crucial enabler towards business efficiency,” continues Mike Webb.
Specialising in services tailored specifically for small and medium sized businesses.
Timico say they are first company in the UK to be able to provide truly converged mobile, fixed, internet and VoIP services on one, unified bill with one point of contact for customer assistance.