With the pipe now in place, Timico is on track to start trialling customer migrations over to BT’s 21CN link. These customers will then be able to benefit from Timico’s ADSL2+ service, which will deliver speeds of up to 24Mb/second – three times faster than BT’s ADSL Max product.
“As one of the early connectivity trialists for the BT 21CN, we are delighted that we have completed our pipe in such good time and are confident that soon our customers will be able to benefit from the Timico advanced telephony and IP services that we will be able to deliver via our super fast ADSL2+ broadband connection,” says Chris Tombs, Chief Executive of Timico Group.
In time, all customers of Timico, including those who currently get their DSL connectivity through the wholly-owned subsidiaries of KeConnect and Twang.net, will benefit from the increased speeds of data transfer.