The first seminar last month was a sell-out, and the next few are already over subscribed, according to Titan’s sales director Rob Murdoch.
“We have been amazed at the interest in our offering and know that we can make a difference to traditional resellers wanting to sell hosted VOIP. Under Titan’s PipeCentric brand, resellers can concentrate on selling VOIP and only delivering first line support. “Titan’s technical team do the rest. The lack of technical skills of many CPS resellers has been a barrier to entry into the VOIP arena until now.”
Titan is confident in delivering 25,000 end user licences this year with the appointment of 40 new resellers from the well-attended seminars.
Murdoch, “Many resellers know where the market is going and how CPS revenues and margins are falling. Resellers at the last seminar talked about how some carriers with a direct sales model were selling to businesses with ridiculously low rates.
These resellers see VOIP as the way forward, a way to retain revenue and to continue building their business. They want to sell VOIP but feel scared off by technical jargon and the technical resources they are likely to need.
PipeCentric means we can encourage resellers to go out and sell hosted voice services under their own names, confident we will provide the very high levels of technical support that they might not be able to do for themselves. All we ask is that they take the initial call, deliver first line support, is customer facing and will work along side our technical team.”