The company says Strata LVMU is an advanced and highly-flexible voicemail solution that offers high-end corporate functionality at an attractive price-point for SMEs.
It includes a range of features such as Call Monitor, which allows users to listen to messages while they are being left and pull the caller out of voicemail or leave them to finish the message as appropriate.
Strata LVMU also offers a one-touch call recording function, specifically designed for businesses such as financial services companies and law firms that may need to monitor and audit customer conversations for legal or compliance requirements. Calls are recorded direct to flash memory to ensure the highest data integrity and system reliability.
“First impressions count and if a customer hears an engaged tone or if an extension rings endlessly without being answered, the chances are they won’t phone back. Arming yourself with a voicemail solution is critical for responsive business communications,” says Tim Webb, General Manager, Toshiba BCD. “Strata LVMU has been designed specifically for SMEs, delivering advanced voicemail functionality at an attractive price-point. This means SMEs and their customers can benefit from high-end communications features without having to break the bank.”
Strata LVMU will be available from 26th June 2006. The entry-level 2-port card costs £750, and each 2-port upgrade is price at £495.