The web-based client has been enhanced to enable call centres to proactively deal with changes in call volume more effectively, and identify patterns of bad customer experience. The tool offers sophisticated real-time reporting on the queue and agent status, allowing appropriate measures to be put in place. This helps maintain high customer service levels, promoting customer loyalty and protecting revenue.
“TASKE Contact has been designed to provide call centre managers and supervisors with real-time information on not just how the call centre is performing, but why,” said Tim Webb, general manager at Toshiba’s Business Communications Division (BCD). “This allows them to make pro-active decisions on how to maintain customer service levels, ensuring that the expectations of the customers meet the experience they receive.”
In addition, TASKE Contact 8.8 allows users to hide certain elements of the interface and gives the ability to sort agent and history displays. This means users are able to customise the information presented for their own requirements.
TASKE Contact 8.8 is available from Toshiba BCD now.