Other organisations likely to benefit are the healthcare sector, housing associations and charities.
Interactive Telecoms Ltd based in Birmingham, is offering organisations the opportunity not only to hear about, but to see for themselves the new technology at work, at a seminar hosted by the City’s Technology Innovation Centre (TIC) at Millennium Point on the 19th February
Interactive, a new division of a long established IT Company is working in partnership with Cisco a recognized leader in this new form of communications.
The seminar will focus computer and internet based telephony and related services - and will include live demonstrations of real-life applications designed by CISCO and the TIC and available through Interactive Telecoms Presenting the latest developments at the seminar will be Andy Wilmott from Cisco Systems and Mak Sharma from The Cisco Academy based at the TIC, Ilyas Khan of the Media Direct Department will be discussing Customer Relationship Management and how this can be integrated with new telecoms solutions Margaret Brewer, Managing Director of Interactive Telecoms said, “These days, the emphasis has to be on working smarter – to reduce costs, increase productivity and give staff, customers, clients and suppliers, a better range of services which meet their needs.
Interactive say that with new technology, prices are coming down, but the range of services available is increasing. The change in phone technology is on a par with the revolution in the internet in the last 10 -12 years!
Within the next couple of years the telephone system that we have grown up, will have largely disappeared to be replaced with Internet based telephones - which in turn are at the centre of a much wide range of dedicated services that are relevant to that organisation. SME’s and other organisations are under continual pressure to both improve services and also keep costs down. The new technology offers that prospect.
If organisations are changing offices, that is an ideal opportunity to review their current telephone infrastructure
In its partnership with CISCO Systems, Interactive Telecoms has the dual advantage of a local presence and also access to the best systems in the world for networking and voice communications.”
Each delegate to the event will have the opportunity to have a free IT health-check as well as visiting the CISCO Technology Bus which will be on site all day
The free seminar is being held at Millennium Point in Birmingham on 19th February 2008. Interactive are also prepared to organise dedicated workshops for specialist groups such as housing associations.
Interactive are donating a share of the profits on any new installations to Heart Research UK, a pioneering organisation that funds both research and heart surgery using new technology.