
Tribold tackles key challenges faced by global mobile CSPs at Mobile World Congress

Networks & Network Services
At Mobile World Congress next month Tribold is advocating how a centralized product catalog strategy can address the challenges faced by mobile CSPs when providing solutions to the global Mobile B2B / Enterprise market.

Ernest Margitta, Tribold’s VP marketing points out: “As mobile CSP’s gather in Barcelona next month, we wanted to put the spotlight on the challenges they face and how Tribold’s centralized product catalog can help them meet these highly complex product requirements of their enterprise customers.”

Tribold highlights the following key challenges in the Mobile Enterprise market

Each enterprise customer requires a unique configuration of services.

Pricing is set by the market or by sales managers external to the PLM process.

Data needs to be aligned between Order Capture, Contract Negotiation, Fulfillment, Billing and CRM.

Margitta continued: “A key strategy to tackling these market factors is ensuring product standardization through an agile, centralized product catalog – a strategy that will also ensure that costs do not balloon along with product complexity. In fact, one global CTO we are working with has identified a centralized product catalog as one of their top three priorities for 2013.”