Independently judged, the Comms Business Awards are designed to recognise excellence in the Comms, IT & Mobile Channel. Running for nearly a decade, this prestigious event celebrates achievement, growth and performance among industry’s leading professionals, with many talented vendors, distributors and re-sellers competing in this increasingly competitive market.
True Telecom have sponsored the Comms Business Awards Welcome Drinks now for a second consecutive year, In 2013 we sponsored the Reseller of The Year (Small) category and presented the winner, M12 Solutions, with their award, recognising M12 Solutions’ success in developing their brand identity.
Stuart Griffiths, CEO of True Telecom, commented: “From the beginning, True Telecom has formed a respected partnership with Comms Business; we have showcased the True brand as the Welcome Drinks sponsor at the awards for the past 2 years. Each year the awards get bigger and better, and we look forward to attending once again in 2016.”