For example, if two New York bankers were working on a deal in London, in accordance with US Securities law, their call must be recorded in New York. If the audio passes between them, this would add a double transatlantic delay. To avoid delays and disruption when recording long distance calls, Truphone’s technology splits a call into two streams, a local stream and a long distance stream.
The long distance stream is sent off to the desired recorder, and the local stream is managed locally via Truphone’s network. When the long distance stream is received by the recording system it sends a signal back to the local server permitting the local stream to go ahead, ensuring all of the call is recorded without disruption or delay. Parties conduct a clear local call that is guaranteed to be recorded with zero impact on quality. The same technique can be applied to transcription of the call or other forms of audio processing.
James Tagg CTO of Truphone comments, “Whenever we deal with audio it is vitally important to concentrate on quality. Customers are very sensitive to delays in a conversation and Truphone’s technology removes the potential of such an occurrence. For example, bankers, lawyers, and doctors are constantly involved in fast paced conversation and cannot tolerate this sort of problem. With our technology, customers can record their conversations with no disruptions or delay while meeting regulatory requirements.”
Paul Liesching, Global Head of Finance for Truphone comments, “Truphone’s focus on innovation illustrates our commitment to the global finance industry and the power of our unique network. This is one of the reasons seven of the world’s largest banks choose Truphone to support their mobility and compliance requirements across four continents.”
Purpose-built to record both voice and SMS traffic internationally, Truphone Mobile Recording captures data within the network itself. Data is digitally signed and stored in an encrypted format in either Truphone-hosted facilities or within a customer’s existing recording architecture. Truphone Mobile Recording is currently used by seven of the ten largest banks.