Trust took on the Mitel 5000 in mid September. Vincent Leahy, managing director at Trust, stated that even though the company has only recently signed with Mitel, it has a strong history in the channel.
He explained: “We have a vast experience on account management and that is how we intend to differentiate ourselves, by partnering with the channel, and supporting resellers properly on sales and marketing.”
Trust also distributes Panasonic and NEC telephony systems. On its stand it is showcasing the new Panasonic NS1000, which is launching in late December or January.
“Our main focus is all about making a difference on account management, and helping dealers grow their business with marketing collateral,” commented Leahy. “We were at the show looking to talk to new partners, and spend time with existing partners. Everyone is challenged at the moment, so we want to know what we can do to help them grow their businesses.”
Leahy added Trust is on the look out for new partners to resell the Mitel 5000 system.