This is backed up by new research from experience design specialist Foolproof which shows that 58% of all smart phone users have now used their phone to place bets, including more than 1 in 3 who do so at least once a week. And the fact that 14% of gamblers said that they have only started betting since the advent of mobile, will surely be of great interest to the industry.
One well-fancied runner in this year’s Grand National is According to Pete. So it fell to Foolproof’s own Pete (Peter Ballard, Managing Partner) to explain why mobile betting will be a game-changer for the UK betting industry:
According to Pete:
“After numerous false dawns, the betting industry will look back on 2012 as the year when mobile gambling finally hit the mainstream.
The adoption of mobile gambling has come on leaps and bounds over the last 12 months. This means that tens of thousands of bets on this year’s Grand National will be placed from pubs, restaurants, bus stops, football grounds, shops and workplaces for the first time.
It is hard to overstate the significance of this trend. The gaming industry now has the chance to integrate betting far more within people’s work and leisure activities as they go about their everyday lives. In our view mobile represents the single biggest commercial opportunity for the betting industry in decades and is something companies simply cannot afford to get wrong.”
Foolproof have also released new data showing which UK bookmakers are currently making greatest in-roads with the mobile consumer. Leading the way is Paddy Power, closely followed by William Hill and Ladbrokes