The icy conditions are causing disruption across Britain with passengers facing delays at airports, while trunk roads have been closed by snowfalls.
The strain on Britain’s icy roads is set to increase: 10 million people were forecast to take to their vehicles before Christmas Day and traffic was expected to peak on December 27 as people return from family visits and the annual retail sales begin.
Tim Thaxter, Business Development, Unified Communications at Siemens Enterprise Communications, says: “Working away from the office is a necessity in the freak weather conditions but is gaining in popularity year by year: around 3.1 million people now regularly work from home.
“Modern office software such as unified communications is enabling large and small businesses to move beyond telephone and e-mail dealing to conduct business by regular web conferencing and collaborative working on shared documents. This is reducing the amount of time being wasted when staff are stranded or attempt to travel in very difficult road and rail conditions.”