Michael Lloyd, Managing Director of The Unified Group said: “Our investment in SWIS Communication will allow us to offer our customers a true ‘end-to-end’ planning, implementation and support experience while still maintaining a single relationship with a trusted supplier.“
“Unified Group have developed a world class skill set around telephony and networking especially within the Nortel portfolio while SWIS Communication have a large team of consultants and technical people with knowledge and experience of the carrier and convergence market, together we offer a remarkably good fit in terms of delivering a complete solution to the marketplace.” Lloyd adds.
The investment will allow SWIS Communication to continue its expansion, marketing and training activities while providing Unified Group with a highly qualified team of independent consultants to support ongoing client engagements and new prospects.
“SWIS Communication currently consists of 46 consultants and technical experts, all with an average of 10 years experience within communications and related areas,” comments Shawn Waller, Managing Director and Founder of SWIS Communication, “Our lead consultants have worked for industry leading companies including Cisco, Opal Telecom and BT and have a depth of knowledge which allows them to source and deliver the best solution for the client irrespective of vendor or carrier.”
Waller is well regarded in the telecoms industry having successful run Opal Telecoms business in the south of England for many years. His 15 years experience within the Telecoms industry includes spells at BT and Panasonic and he has built long-standing relationships with carriers including Telstra, BT, Telewest and many others.
“At the moment, we are seeing a lot of market interest in the areas of fixed and mobile service provisions. The market is increasingly competitive and we are able to bring a more independent view to helping a customer select and deploy a solution that is in line with the infrastructure. By working closely with Unified – effectively as a single supplier, the cost of implementation and integration is substantially reduced.” Waller adds.