
Users want High Definition Solutions say CommSoft

Anthony Church, MD of CommSoft RMS says the 25-50 user PBX market is now being led by what can your telecoms solutions do for the customers business as a tool, the customer will ask ‘How will our business benefit if we choose your offering?’

“From a reseller perspective, if you are only offering basic packages such as call management or voice recording in single entities, you are behind the times in the customer’s eyes as they have already tried this in the past with inadequate results.

High definition, single database solutions are what end users are looking for: stable and seamless applications and low maintenance are key selling points as they have all tried over the years to achieve the ideal environment by buying separate products with fumbled attempts at integrating various packages. These nearly always result in an unhappy ‘makeshift’ solution that really doesn’t do what they want and never will.

These antiquated methods are far more costly to the customer and time consuming for the resellers in terms of ongoing maintenance and issues that need resolving. These makeshift solutions can become impossible to manage with all the various parties involved, especially when a new integration requirement pops up. Relationships are be lost over issues like these, right down the vendor, distribution, reseller and end user chain and once that relationship is gone, it is gone for good.

The days of not being able to report on PABX add ons such voicemail and auto attendant are over, customers will not accept that this is not achievable and will look for suppliers that can offer these basic functions. The PABX market is heading along the same route that the data hardware channel has taken: PC’s are coming down in price but are more powerful than ever but as far as what they can do, it is more or less the same between the various manufacturers. This is now a clear question from the telecoms customer ‘What will this solution do to improve my business? And more importantly, what can I do with this hardware on its own, other than make and receive calls?’

Bill Gates realized a long time ago that a PC without software solutions is pretty much useless, have a think about what part of your PC/ laptop you use the most: the hardware is invisible and in the back ground working away from view.

The functionality between phone systems is now reaching this point: customers are buying solely on the look of hand sets, cost and most importantly what does the investment do to improve their business? At CommSoft RMS, we are the first in the UK to offer such high definition solutions in a single application, and if the customer requires custom integration work, we will undertake this, assisting them to achieve their ideal environment. We are the only supplier offering reporting through Auto Attendant, for example so that customers can see what options were chosen and where the calls were routed after the Auto Attendant picked up. It is market leading developments like this that make us the logical partner for this demanding and important 25-50 user business sector.”