With Ofcom’s new NGN regime, which also impacts premium rate, freephone and directory enquiries, going live on the July 1st, there is real confusion around what the charges are for the different bandings. This is not helped by Ofcom not supplying data on dial digits for resellers and end users on their website.

VanillaIP has announced the launch of www.checkit.uboss.com, a quick look up site that industry and end users alike can use to look up the new Service Charge (SC001 to SC080) and Rate for the existing NGN, Premium and 118 numbers. With Ofcom withdrawing their reference documents, and other forms of look up difficult to access for many resellers and end users alike, the free to use Uboss site fills the void.
A far as possible we want to make this information easily available, so it’s simpler for everyone to understand and we can minimise NGN confusion.