With long-standing relationships with communication giants including Vodafone, EE, O2 and Panasonic – plus 30 years’ experience – Telesis is no stranger to the voice sector. Having once focused solely on the delivery of telecoms solutions, recent business acquisitions have widened the scope of services offered to clients. But the Lancashire team did not have a dedicated cloud hosting provision – until now.
The new partnership will see Telesis become a reseller of Vapour’s Sanctm product suite. With access to servers hosted in Vapour’s UK data centres – as well as highly-secure backup and storage services – it is hoped the collaboration could boost Telesis turnover by up to 20% over the next three years. The move will also see Vapour expand its presence in Lancashire, particularly on the M61 corridor.
Commenting on the partnership, Telesis’ managing director Christian Bleakley said: “The technology sector is becoming increasingly crowded with suppliers vying for customers’ attention, which can make it difficult for organisations to know where to turn. We’ve worked hard to build a solid reputation in the telecoms market but when it came to client requests for wider digital transformation support, this was a gap we couldn’t previously plug.
“The relationship with Vapour – a ‘best in breed’ organisation within this complex field – will allow us to expand on our service offering to existing customers, whilst enhancing our proposition for new prospects. We’re very excited to see how this unfolds in 2019 and beyond.”
Telesis will also plug into Vapour’s marketing automation engine, which will allow the team to communicate with and nurture new business opportunities.
Vapour’s CEO Tim Mercer adds: “We’ve spoken extensively, throughout 2018, about our partnership strategy and the importance of collaboration in the channel. We’re big believers in concentrating on our own niche and fostering partnerships with other organisations to leverage expertise in their key areas. This approach benefits our business and our partners’ – plus clients are delighted that they have access to more in-depth knowledge and advice from people who really know what they’re talking about!”