The immediate availability of Version 3.1 for maximiser builds upon the Unified Messaging features offered by maximiser as standard since its initial launch in early 2003. Utilising the industry standard Internet Messaging Application Protocol (IMAP), system administrators can now elect to have voicemail messages stored on any email server supporting this popular protocol. This includes Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise and Apple Mail, in addition to Microsoft Exchange. By taking this approach, there is now a single instance of the voicemail that can be accessed traditionally, via a phone, or copied/forwarded to email as an alert, or an attachment - where it can be played back via the PC's sound system.
Configuration is simply a matter of entering the email server address and the email address, username, password and mailbox for each user - or department - requiring Unified Messaging. IMAP Unified Messaging utilises maximiser's Enhanced Speech Processing (ESP) application to provide Text To Speech (TTS) services for the voicemail play back prompts.
When using IMAP Unified Messaging, emails can be "read" back to the user via any phone - be it on or off switch. Once the email has been listened to, a response can be spoken, recorded by the maximiser system and then emailed as a reply with a .wav file attachment. Emails can also be deleted in the same manner. 'Unified Messaging is a great business efficiency tool," says Robin Hayman, SpliceCom's Director of Product Management. By adding the ability for employees to listen to emails and delete them or reply whilst on the move, we've also provided a fantastic personnel productivity tool.
Enabling mobile employees to handle emails via a low-cost audio device - such as a standard GSM phone - rather than a higher cost visual device such as a Blackberry or PDA, we've drastically slashed the cost of deployment. At the same time efficiency is also improved over a hand-held device as hands-free operation is possible even whilst driving, " concluded Hayman.