“According to Gartner, the web will be the primary source of malware infection in the enterprise in 20081. WebControl addresses this issue and provides an ideal opportunity for our partners to add value to their services and secure long term recurring revenue streams,” said Neil Watson indirect sales director, Viatel. “With the web being an essential part of day-to-day business life, companies simply cannot afford to neglect security in this area. When you also consider that many employees are also browsing social networking sites such as Facebook, it is becoming increasingly important to make sure that employees stay productive and corporate web use is safe and secure.”
WebControl is a “Software as a Service” (SaaS) solution, so requires no hardware, maintenance or upfront capital costs, making it easy to resell and ideal for partners looking to extend their portfolio and revisit their customers with something new. “Webcontrol is an important addition to our communications portfolio” continues Watson. “Customers want their bandwidth to be cleaned at source without having to worry about the risk to business reputation or operations that can result from Web security breaches. While many of companies do not have the in house resources to monitor Web malware, others don’t want the time and cost of managing another vendor relationship. Adding Webcontrol to existing our connectivity is easy, especially with MPLS ”.
WebControl redirects all corporate web traffic through its own dedicated servers and analyses it before displaying the content to the end-user, with zero-latency. Looking ahead at the results, WebControl alerts users to potentially damaging websites, proactively blocking them and preventing harm to company IT systems. WebControl can also filter or block traffic such as video streams and IM traffic, which can help companies manage their bandwidth and control how it is used more effectively
In addition, IT managers can use the service to obtain detailed metrics and insight into the web activity of the company down to an individual employee level, helping to trace security breaches and enforce the company’s web use policy.
“With increasing numbers of companies using the web from mobile devices, we are also offering ScanSafe’s “Anywhere+” service, which provides real-time web security and policy control regardless of the location of all employees, whether at home, in an airport or hotel hotspot, making a truly comprehensive security service,” concluded Watson.