Leveraging the company’s nationwide fibre-optic network, Virgin Media Business will provide its Co-Location customers with a 99.95 per cent availability guarantee and high-speed access to their data. Also, as a result of Virgin Media Business’ recent NGN 2-2-4 security accreditation, organisations can rest assured that their data integrity is completely secure as it travels across the Virgin Media Business fibre-optic network.
Organisations across the UK that either want a more robust disaster recovery plan, are constrained by their existing space and power or want to road test a virtualised IT environment will now be able to access great value Co-Location services close to their place of business.
Providing data centre access in key locations such as Glasgow, Leeds and Farnborough, customers can have the quick, easy and regular access to their kit that they crave, ensuring maximum control whilst taking advantage of the space and power efficiencies associated with keeping servers off site. As the data centres are plugged straight into Virgin Media Business’ high-speed fibre-optic network, businesses can choose from a range of connectivity options including High Capacity Services, Ethernet, IP VPN or managed internet access, meaning there is technology available to suit each and every business.
“Organisations are enthusiastic about Cloud services and are keen to take advantage of the benefits it offers. But, realistically many wish to progress cautiously whilst they build confidence. They need to be happy that they can trust a supplier with their applications and support them through this process. Co-Location is often the first step towards fully embracing a virtualised IT environment,” said Andrew McGrath, executive director, commercial, Virgin Media Business.
“Our regional approach means that customers are moving their critical infrastructure to a street nearby, rather than thousands of miles away. So whether or not they are looking to migrate into the cloud or simply want a more robust business continuity plan, they remain in the driving seat,” McGrath continued.
To deliver on its 99.95 per cent availability guarantee, all of the Co-Location data centres have prebuilt diverse power feeds, on site generators and service level agreements with energy suppliers, ensuring a constant reliable stream of power to customers’ racks. This, combined with data centres being connected to Virgin Media Business’ entirely independent nationwide fibre-optic network, means that businesses benefit from the very best Co-Location technology built on the most resilient and diverse foundations.
Virgin says customers will also benefit from secure and controlled access, meaning photo ID cards and approved access lists will be used to ensure security. CCTV, locked racks and humidity and temperature controls all come as part of the standard Co-Location offering from Virgin Media Business.