Virtual1, the network aggregator, has announced new and what they describe as highly competitive tariffs for Global Ethernet. The new pricing comes at a time when customer demand for international Ethernet access is at an all-time high and analysts are predicting further growth.

Tom O’Hagan, Managing Director at Virtual1, comments “We are committed to supporting our Partners in every way possible. Virtual1 has NNI’s with the leading global wholesale carriers and has offered Global Ethernet for some time. However, recent negotiations now mean we can offer an even better pricing structure for our Partners and their customers.”
The tariff will see Virtual1 offer a 100mb Ethernet PoP to PoP circuit across Europe, North America or Asia from as little as £800 per calendar month.
O’Hagan continued “This new pricing ensures our Partners can continue to deliver cost effective, high speed global connectivity to their customers without compromise.”